How do I find a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Columbia, MO?
Finding the right therapist or counselor can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be.
Read more to make things clearer.
Columbia, MO is rated as one of the best regional areas for healthcare because we have more providers per capita than most areas. When you are looking for counseling, that means you will have many clinicians to choose from as you look for the right person. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming. If you are looking for a counselor, therapist, or psychologist, I’d like to help you find someone who can help.
I want to help you find a therapist in Columbia, MO
Choosing a therapist or counselor can feel a bit confusing and overwhelming. With so many choices and sometimes confusing language, you may not know where to turn. When we want a doctor, we usually ask a trusted friend who they used, but with therapy it can be different. Sometimes you just want to not have to talk to a friend about what you are feeling inside, and that is understandable.
Things to think about before you interview a therapist:
Finish this sentence: “I need help with . . . “
Finish this sentence: “I want my life to look like . . . when I am feeling better.”
How do you work best? Do you want someone who will slow things down and give you time to get unstuck or are you ready for someone to help you push on the gas and move things forward?
Does it matter if you work with a male or female therapist? Does religious affiliation make a difference to you?
How do I want to pay for therapy? Do you need to use your insurance or would you want to pay out of pocket to increase your options?
Now that you are clearer about what you need and want, let’s find a therapist.
Interviewing a therapist:
Plan to interview 3 therapists.
See if the counselor or therapist has a website and check out the home page, about page, and any specialty pages that may feel interesting to you. You can usually understand more about the therapist by doing this. Most therapists and counselors provide a free 15-minute consultation where you may ask questions and learn more about the clinician.
Know that this consultation allows you as well as the therapist, to understand more about each other and for each of you to decide if working together is a good fit. Fit is one of the most important factors in your relationship with your therapist. After interviewing several therapists, you will have more of a sense of which person felt like they could help you the most, that is what I mean by fit!
Use the answers from the questions above to ask questions and gain information. It is okay to ask the counselor to explain what they mean by certain terms, how they work best, and what their philosophy is about therapy and counseling.
Remember that if the therapist or counselor doesn’t feel like it is a good fit, they may refer you to someone they think might be a better match. This is a win/win for you because someone on the inside of the therapy world is helping you identify options you may not have been aware of.
A free therapy consultation in Columbia, MO
I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Columbia, MO. Getting started in your healing journey is so important and can change your future. If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call me at (573) 238-8575 for a free 15-minute phone consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with Depression and Anxiety, you can read more about how I can help here: